A1 Quote/Estimate Management System

The A1 Quoting module can be used locally or remotely to print, fax, E-mail or to send securely via the Internet all of your quotes or estimates to interested prospects.

Our unique numbering and indexing system allows for fast database searches, which are a great benefit in looking for similar estimates or to find a quote quickly while a prospect is on the phone.

Users can modify existing quotes easily in case of revision, or a new revised quote can be developed directly from old quotes

Real Time inventory availability and estimated time of arrival for out of stock items can be easily viewed for each quoted item.

The A1 Quote/Estimate System Includes The Following:

• Connections to Network Fax, Outlook, Word or Excel
• Access to inventory item information
• Ability to copy a historical quote to a new quote
• Various custom fields
• Email Quotes directly from A1
• Send your quote in various electronic formats
• Track when the Record was last modified by date and user

Call Today for additional information
or a free no obligation consultation!
1-877-PLAN-CSE (1-877-752-6273)

Client Testimonials

"We have utilized the A1 accounting system for a number of years and continue to be delighted with its reliability. Support from CSE is excellent and at no time have you failed to find a timely solution to any of our problems."
- Laird Fraser of Kent Legal

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the A1 Management Software that you installed for our company. We clearly had grown out AcePac Plus for various functionality and stability reasons and I am happy to report that the software has been stable and problem free since converting to A1 last year."
- Kent Berry of Robertson Fire Equipment


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